Lest We Forget UK Potted Rose

£24.95 inc. VAT

bright red vivid flowers brone in small clusters that are scented on a big healthy bush plant 


7 Litre Potted Red Floribunda Rose

An English grown Lest We Forget Potted UK Rose was introduced by the breeder Chris Warner Roses in 2018 to help Bomber Command Memorial Accociation centre at cranford just ouside Lincoln. The Rose Lest We Forget is in memory of over 55,000 aircrew lost their lives in World war ll. This rose is bright vivid red with a yellow centre towards the stamens. Many buds are in nice clusters all over the bush, and the blooms have a sweet fragrance. A very good healthy rose with dark green foliage once the new reddish early spring growth has matured. Lest We Forget was awarded the gold standard and certificate of merit award. Ideal for borders and beds and can happily be grown in large containers and pots. A fantastic Floribunda rose, you will not be disapointed!  Grows to about 4 ft tall

Lincolnshire supplied potted roses Contact us for more information or visit our about page for more information on Lincolnshire grown roses