Belle De Jour UK Potted Rose

£23.95 inc. VAT

English Grown Belle De Jour Potted UK Rose,Rose of the Year 2021 Deep Yellow with Blending Orange Petals

SKU: W-F645 Category:


7 litre Potted Yellow blending Orange Floribunda Rose.

An English Grown Belle De Jour Potted uk Rose. A great new rose intoduced this year to the floribunda range that produces densely petalled blooms with good DEEP YELLOW centres blending to rich ORANGE on the outer petals, with over 60 petals per bloom that are carried well on good strong stems. The flowers have a Heady scent of vanilla and Apricot set off against the Glossy green foliage. This rose has excellent superb Disease Resistance. Ideal for borders, planting in beds,large containers,and mixed planting schemes. Grows to about 3ft tall. This rose has won many awards around the world already hence why it`s been AWARED ROSE OF THE YEAR 2021

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